
Final Evaluation

These are the final evaluation results.

For track 1 where really wasn’t much results as all submitted results were close to 0.

Track 2 was somewhat better, the results are the number of erroneous matchings of household member and rating:

  • Yancui Shi, Xiangwu Meng and Licai Wang. A heuristic approach to identifying the specific household member for a given rating – 1303
  • Jose Bento, Nadia Fawaz, Andrea Montanari and Stratis Ioannidis. Identifying Users From Their Rating Patterns –  58
  • Pedro G. Campos, Fernando Díez and Alejandro Bellogin. Temporal Rating Habits: A Valuable Tool for Rater Differentiation – 60
  • Yue Shi, Martha Larson and Alan Hanjalic. Mining Relational Context-aware Graph for Rater Identification –  107
  • Claudio Biancalana, Fabio Gasparetti, Alessandro Micarelli, Alfonso Miola and Giuseppe Sansonetti. Context-aware Movie Recommendation based on Signal Processing and Machine Learning –  333



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